Aardvark Factiods

Aardvarks are mammals that look like they were made from parts of other animals. Their arched back, sparse hair on their bodies, and the snout on the end of their long, narrow face earns them the resemblance of a pig. However they also have ears like a rabbit, webbed feet like a duck, claws like a bear and the tail of a kangaroo! People often confuse them with the anteater. But, beesides (pun intended) their diet and a long tongue, an anteater and an aardvark have nothing else in common.
  • Aardvarks are found throughout sub-Saharan Africa.
  • The word aardvark comes from South Africa's Afrikaans language and means 'earth pig' or 'ground pig'.
  • Aardvarks can fully close their nostrils to keep out dust and insects as they dig or raid termite or ant nests.
  • Baby aardvarks become independant around 6 months old. They move out, make their own burrows and only call mom on her birthday and dad when they need money.
  • Aardvark is the first word in your English dictionary.
  • The aardvark is the only species in its order. It is literally like no other animal on earth.
  • It's closest living relatives are now thought to include manatees and African elephant.
  • Aadvarks are nocturnal.
  • They live in open grasslands or savannahs where the soil is soft and sandy
  • They are insectivores, consuming termites and ants exclusively and are known to eat up to 60,000 in one night
  • An adult aarvarks tongue is about 18 inches long
  • The aardvark’s tail is thick and strong and they can use it as a club.
  • Their sharp claws are formidable weapons. An aardvark will roll on its back to engage all four feet in the fight.
  • Aardvarks are not social and only get together during the breeding season.
  • After a seven month gestation, one baby Aardvark is born (twins are rare)
  • Not much is known about their mating habits or about the rearing of their offspring.
  • A fully grown aardvark is about 5-6 ft in length including the tail which alone is about 2 ft
  • Aardvarks are color-blind
  • Baby aardvarks are called as cubs
  • Aardvarks live for up to 18 years in the wild. In captivity, they are expected to live for about 23 years.
  • They weigh between 88 – 140lbs
  • Many African tribes hunt this animal for its meat and sometimes use its body parts as charms - the teeth are believed to prevent illnesses.
  • The aardvark is born with conventional incisors and canines at the front of the jaw, which fall out and are not replaced. Adult aardvarks have only cheek teeth at the back of the jaw
  • Aardvarks are also known as "Ant Bears"
  • They live in burrows that range from 6.5 to 42 feet (2 to 13 meters) long
  • They may cover distances of 2 to 5 km (1.2 to 3 miles) each night,
  • The aardvark’s tough skin protects them from the bug bites
  • They rarely drink water and receive most of their moisture from the insects they eat.
  • At 2 years old, both female and males are sexually mature and ready to have offspring of their own.
  • Aardvarks have four toes on the front feet and five toes on their back feet.
  • Skilled diggers, an aardvark can dig up to 2 feet in 15 seconds.

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