Frequently asked questions
Often times no. Most treatment do require us to have full access to the yard and the exterior of your home. Locked gates will need to be unlocked, or access provided by a code or hidden key.
If this is our first visit, we may need access to inspect the entire home and we would like to be able to speak, at least by phone, with the resident who is most knowledgeable of the problem.
We may also need access to an attic or a crawlspace door that’s hidden in a closet.
In most cases, you can expect to see a significant and noticeable reduction in activity within 1-3 days. The exact timeframe depends on the pest we’re dealing with, the size of the problem, the environment along with the choice of treatments necessary to provide the best long-term results.
In some cases, you may actually see a slight increase in activity. Some treatments may include repellents to get insects up and moving. This purposely disrupted their lives and forces them to look for new places to live and eat. Other treatment work a bit more slowly on purpose to allow the pesticides to be brought back and shared amongst the entire colony. They won’t last long, just give the treatment some time to completely work.
A lot of customers assume that pest products will be washed away during the rain. So, it’s common to receive calls requesting to reschedule a services due to not-so-ideal weather conditions.
Contrary to popular belief, most treatments are rarely negatively affected by rain. Most products are designed to hold fast to the surface in light rain. Some products such as granules are designed to work best with our NW weather by using the water to seep deeper into your soil. The rain can also be helpful by forcing the pests to the surface.
Our technicians are well trained to use the product best designed for your homes environment, the current weather, and the specific pests found in your area.
Also keep in mind, that the foundation, eves, around window, door frames, cracks and crevasses are typically key entry points that we focus on. Those areas generally remain dry.
If the rain or snow is excessively heavy and/or your homes design and/or environment makes a treatment difficult, our technicians are trained to look for the issues that may cause a problem and will reschedule your home when needed. The safety of our environment are always a priority
While rodenticides can be harmful to other mammals, the baits we use are designed for rodents weighing less than a pound. The taste and smell of the bait is made to attract rodents while being ignored by pets. It’s also important to use the right rodenticides for the environment. Some are designed to be fully digested before effecting the rodent which makes the transfer to predators very low. These rodenticides will make the rodent very sick before they die. This means that most will die underground in their burrows where scavengers can’t get to them.
The type of bait stations and a well-trained technician are vitally important as well. Our stations are extremely tough and able to take a beating. They are specifically designed to keep out anything larger than a rat. Even squirrels and rabbits can’t navigate the tight spaces and turns neededs to reach the rodenticide. These baits are well secured inside the station with metal rods so they can’t be shaken out. The technician may also decide to use stations that are weighted down or secured with a wire when needed. Placement is very important. While we want the stations placed where rodents are most likely to travel, the safety of family and pets comes first.
Visa, Mastercard, American Express, check or cash are all accepted at the time of service. You can also pay online via a link in your service report email.
Pest control is generally recommended every three months for preventative maintenance. But the frequency may vary depending on many factors such as the properties environment, type of pests and the severity of the problem. Regular service will also prevent many pest problems from developing.
Often, with small changes to the environment, we can keep the rodents from moving onto your property. And with proper exclusion techniques we can seal up your home and other buildings to prevent rodents from getting in.
Yes, but it’s rarely recommended. Traps are great for removing a few rodents at a time in a confined area such as an attic or crawlspace. But because traps need to be checked, cleaned, replaced, rebaited and bodies removed frequently, trapping alone can be cost prohibitive. Rats will quickly learn to avoid a trap because they can smell a previous catch and often see their family member getting caught. This requires that we use a variety of traps, baits and regular repositioning. A large, well fed, population can often reproduce faster than they can be trapped.
Ants are the #1. Commonly found in kitchens and bathrooms, they are attracted by food and moisture and temperature. While most ants are not dangerous, they can be a very persistent nuisance.
For most pest, yes. We warranty most insects for 3 months and we extend the warranty 90 days at a time with each quarterly service.
Both crawlspaces and attics lack the food and water that insects need to survive. While there are exceptions, it's rarely helpful to treat a well maintained attic or crawlspace.