Bedbugs are scary!
Especially at night when they are most active. They'll hide in carpets, bedding, mattresses, bed frames, baseboards, and furniture. A bedbug infestation can lead to skin rashes and allergic reactions, making for an unpleasant home. Our professional exterminators make ridding your home of these pesky nuisances possible!Identifying Bedbugs
Bedbugs are wingless, oval and appear flat. Their bodies are reddish-brown and about the size of an apple seed. Because they can hide just about anywhere and are difficult to detect early on. This can lead to major infestations. You'll often only detect them after they've chewed on you a bit. Larger infestations can also develop a odor. Bedbug bites aren't painful when they occur, but often result in itchy red welts over the next few days. These welts vary in appearance from tiny pinpricks to mosquito-bite-sized bumps to very large welts. Some people have no noticeable reaction to bedbug bites.If you find blood spots on your bedsheets or small itchy bites on your body, you'll want to start checking the folds of your mattress carefully and be on the look out for the nasty pests.
How Could My Home Get Bedbugs?
They are excellent hitchhikers and multiply quickly. They can lie in wait for exteded periods of time then leap on to passers by. When traveling, bedbugs can crawl into the folds of your suitcase, backpack or even your clothes. Another common source of bedbugs is second hand furniture. Be careful with bringing these items into your home. It's even possible for bedbugs to travel though air ducts or small cracks in walls which allows them to spread from adjoining apartments or hotel rooms.Make Your Bed Safe Again
They are incredibly resilient and are notoriously difficult to control. They typically feed every five to 10 days, but if no food source is available they can survive for a year or more without any victims to chew on. Even one critter or egg sac, transported from an infested site, can produce a new population in your bedroom. Because they don't live in colonies, the entire area where they are found must be treated. Often several treatments are needed. Even small infestations may require calling in a pro. When you call AARD Pest Control to take care of your bedbug problem, you will work with a friendly exterminator who possesses the expertise needed to safely remove the infestation and give you peace of mind.Joey, was great! He explained things to me, and gave me ideas, about our bedbug problem!! He was very punctual, and nice!! Thank you Joey!!
Lisa Landers-Vos, Gold Bar