Why Are There Moles in My Yard?Moles are animals that are made to dig. They stay primarily underground to search for worms, beetles and other insects to eat. Their noses have evolved to help them know where to dig and where to find food. Moles don’t hibernate and tend to stay in the area they have chosen to inhabit until they are made to go elsewhere.Mole TunnelsOnce one mole has taken residence somewhere, the tunnel is likely to attract more moles or rodents to the area. Their tunnels can be anywhere from 2 to 20 inches underground. As they dig more, you may see mole hills begin to form, although these hills represent only a very small part of their vast system. This may be the only way you will see if you have a mole problem.Hiring a ProfessionalWhen you are trying to get rid of moles in your yard, it can be a highly difficult process because they generally stay underground. Their widespread tunnels can be hard to figure out, although they do spend approximately half of their time out of their main tunnels to continue their search for food.When you contact AARD Pest Control to come help you with your mole extermination, you will be working with a friendly and knowledgeable professional with mole experience ready to get your lawn back to normal. We are extremely pleased with your prompt service and very friendly, courteous and informative technician, Aaron. Although it might
still be too soon to be certain, the bugs seem to be gone, too. What more could anybody ask?
Natalie Dyer, Lynnwood