Spiders are generally harmless creatures that feed on other insects in and around your home. However, dangerous spider species such as the brown recluse and black widows pose a significant threat to you and any pets or children in your home. These spiders’ venomous bites are particularly powerful and painful; their bites can even cause severe infections or death in young children, the elderly or small animals within hours.Female spiders from these particular species can lay hundreds of eggs, leading to a full-blown infestation of dangerous proportions. Call AARD to schedule a thorough extermination from one of our professionals to kill and neutralize these dangerous insects. Our technicians will clean out existing webs from nooks and crannies in your home where spiders love to nest and hide.
Spider webs are surprisingly sturdy and trying to knock one down yourself while the spider is still in it can inadvertently bring you into close range of the spider’s bite. Your safety is imperative to us; let AARD handle all your extermination needs.
5-star service! Thank you for taking care of our spider problem.
Linda Castillo